Let's Find Your Dream Home

Christopher Kotowicz
Coldwell Banker Community Realtors

Chris Kotowicz is a seasoned real estate professional with a remarkable journey that has spanned both the construction and realty sectors. With a background deeply rooted in Custom Home Building, Chris brings a distinctive blend of expertise to the realm of real estate in the Pioneer Valley. Since 2016, he has been a trusted guide for clients seeking to navigate the intricacies of buying, selling, and building homes in this picturesque region.

As the son of Alan Kotowicz, owner of Kotowicz Custom Homes, Chris honed his skills as a custom home builder, a role he embraced passionately throughout the majority of his life, before stepping into the world of real estate. This invaluable experience has endowed him with a profound understanding of construction, design, and the nuances that define a truly exceptional home. This foundation has equipped him with an unparalleled edge in the real estate industry, setting him apart from the crowd.

Chris recognizes that every individual's real estate journey is unique. With his deep insights into the local market, he crafts personalized strategies that cater to your specific goals and needs. He is committed to exceeding your expectations and turning your real estate aspirations into a reality.

Whether you're a seller aiming to find the perfect buyer for your cherished property, a buyer in pursuit of your dream home, or an aspiring homeowner looking to build from the ground up, Chris is your go-to partner. His affiliation with Kotowicz Custom Homes, a name synonymous with quality craftsmanship, aligns seamlessly with his exclusive partnership with Coldwell Banker Community Realtors, enhancing the spectrum of services he offers to his clients.

Embark on your real estate journey with Chris Kotowicz, where expertise meets integrity, and your dreams find their address.


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*This is an estimate only and is not an appraisal. The CB Estimate®. provides an estimated market value of your home generated by a proprietary algorithm using aggregated data collected from third parties and public records and is intended to provide you with a general value of the property. The actual appraised value of any property may be higher or lower than the estimated market value provided by the CB Estimate®.


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